How To Get Started With Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing is crucial for today's businesses. Each day new businesses are establishing their presence online through various social media sites. When competitors are gripping the social scene, it is important that you follow suit. Otherwise your business will the hit rock bottom in no time.

Let's take a look at the basic blueprint of social media marketing.

First, setup your social presence on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest and YouTube. Then, follow these steps to get started with social media marketing for your business.


Setup a blog on your company domain ( or on a free hosting platform like Blogger. Make sure it links to your company website. Add social media integration in the form of buttons linking to your social media profiles and also setup social sharing buttons. Write a new blog post every week using your target keywords in post title and content. Share the post on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+.


Setup a Facebook page for your business. Share the page your family and friends and ask for likes. Find and like pages related to your business. Update the page daily with topics related to your business. Posts can be questions, tips, images or anything interesting. Don't forget to tag people and pages in your posts. Ask people to like, share and comment. Once you have a reasonable number of fans/likes, setup Facebook ads to reach out to target customers. You will see a steady increase in likes and comments. Keep the page alive and engaging by adding content daily and interacting with fans.


Setup the company profile on Twitter. Ask friends to follow. Make sure you follow 10 new people in your related industry every week. Add up to 5 tweets daily. Tweet topics can include business, fun and interesting, promotional. You can also share your blog posts. Re-tweet 2 interesting tweets per day. Add #hashtags so your posts appear in trending topics.


Once you've setup a company profile on LinkedIn, connect with people and companies in your industry. Update your company profile and status. Connect with 3-5 new people per week and follow 3 new companies per week. Join groups related to your industry. Post relevant blog posts in groups which you belong and ask for feedback.


Setup a Google+ company page. Share content at least twice a day to your personal profile as well as company page. Make sure the posts are set to 'Public' to reach out to maximum users and search results. Host a monthly Google+ Hangout session for topics in your industry or related industry. You can publicize it using Google+ events. Keep expanding your circles by adding 5 new people every week. 


Setup Pinterest profile and boards. Each month post product images and examples of your work from your website as pins leading back to your website. Add 1 new board with at least 6 new pins every week. Remember to use keywords in your pin descriptions and board titles. Follow 5 new interesting and inspiring pin boards each week from users related to your field.


Setup your channel and subscribe to 3 new channels in your industry per week. Find 3 new videos each week to share on Facebook, Twitter and Google+. Keep the videos relevant to your industry, but don't forget to sprinkle in some fun. Plan a video that showcases an area of your business expertise. Add videos from special events your company hosts are attends each month. Collect testimonials and conduct interviews and post on your YouTube channel.

Once you've setup your presence be consistent and engage fans. Build a community of fans who'll promote your business indirectly. 

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